dave tanabe - niki siren help?

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Freund eines SCRJ Lakers-Fans ;-)
Freund eines SCRJ Lakers-Fans ;-)
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 14. Mai 2005 04:03

dave tanabe - niki siren help?

Beitrag von puckembucky_2001 »

Kent R. Waush
Neenah, WI USA

Dear SCRJ fans,

I am looking for help in acquiring a postcard type card from Niki Siren from this season. Over the past few years or so I decided to put together a collection of hockey trading cards and stickers from all the former University of Wisconsin Badgers that have ever played NHL, Minor League or European Pro Hockey. Two of my favorite Badgers of the recent past
were Dave Tanabe and Niki Siren. Tananbe played for a time for your team during the 2004/05 season and Siren is again playing with your team during this season.

What I was wondering was if you may have a copy of post card type trading card of theirs that you could provide me with as it is one of the final pieces to my "puzzle" that I am working on. My search has reached desperate proportions and I would consider it a special gift if you were able to assist in my quest.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and you can reach me at the above email address. Thank you very much for your time and considerations.

Zuletzt geändert von puckembucky_2001 am 27. Sep 2007 22:31, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Gästefan ;-)
Gästefan ;-)
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 21. Sep 2007 16:21

Niki Siren card

Beitrag von The_Oiler »

Hi Kent

At least at the online shop on the Lakers page, a Niki Siren Card isn't available yet. When I'm goin' to the next game, I will check the fan shop booth at the Diners Club Arena if they have some already and I will buy one for you. Then I'll send it to you by mail.

'Could take some time... but you will get it.

Best regards

The Oiler
"I serve the society by rocking!" - Jack Black in School of Rock
Freund eines SCRJ Lakers-Fans ;-)
Freund eines SCRJ Lakers-Fans ;-)
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 14. Mai 2005 04:03

Beitrag von puckembucky_2001 »

thanks a lot!!! i sure do appreciate the help!!

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