niki siren?

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Registriert: 14. Mai 2005 04:03

niki siren?

Beitrag von puckembucky_2001 »

Kent R. Waush
Neenah, WI USA

Dear SCRJ fans,

I am writing to you in an effort to solve a puzzle I recently began. Over the past year or so I decided to put together a collection of hockey trading cards and stickers from all the former University of Wisconsin Badgers that have ever played NHL, Minor League or European Pro Hockey. One of my favorite Badgers of the recent past
was Niki Siren, who played with your team during the 2002-05 seasons.

What I was wondering was if you may have a
copy of his Swiss Panini sticker from his 2003-04 season that you could provide me with as it is one of the final pieces to my "puzzle" that I am working on. My search has reached desperate proportions and I would consider it a special gift if you were able to assist in my quest.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and you can reach me at the above email address. Thank you very much for your time and considerations.

Beiträge: 11710
Registriert: 28. Mär 2017 13:47
Wohnort: Kanton Mord und Totschlag

Beitrag von tittenfee »

Dear Puckembucky,

Trading cards (or Panini sticker) are not that popular in Switzerland, guess it might be difficult to get Siren's... Nevertheless wish you good luck ;)

BTW: Niki Siren is returning, he will be playing for our team again as of next season...

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