Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von dstadel
25. Mär 2018 14:27
Forum: Club / Saison / etc..
Thema: Presseartikel über Rapperswil-Jona Lakers
Antworten: 2883
Zugriffe: 810117

Re: Presseartikel über Rapperswil-Jona Lakers

Hallo, Bonjour In my opinion Devos (and Hazen) belongs to the NLA/DEL. I wonder what your manager offer him that he signed for three more years in Ajoie. A great player to watch (if he plays for your own and not the opponent team). ;) I hope Hügli will be on the ice tonight, for the good of sports !...
von dstadel
25. Mär 2018 12:48
Forum: Club / Saison / etc..
Thema: Presseartikel über Rapperswil-Jona Lakers
Antworten: 2883
Zugriffe: 810117

Re: Presseartikel über Rapperswil-Jona Lakers

Hi guys, For some of you who can read french, here is the sports page of the Quotidien Jurassien, local newspaper in the Jura. I want to tell you first that I believe in sports and fair-play. I also believe that the structures of SCRJ belongs more to the 1st league than below : Budget probably 2x hi...